


猎狐游戏库 - 免费游戏资源下载

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Windows系统 容量: 7.70G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:24:18
ASSASSIN: The First List (Beta)
ASSASSIN: The First List (Beta)
潜行游戏: 在 Assassin The First List 中,您将扮演一名技艺高超的刺客,您的目标是利用您的狡猾和隐秘手段击落目标。 找到你的目标,研究他们的行为和动作,进行广泛的研究,并执行无
Windows系统 容量: 30.27G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:24:12
当经典Roguelite游戏《超越光速》(Faster Than Light)遇上《基地》与《沙丘》这样的经典科幻杰作《哀恸之日》现已开放玩家交流群,欢迎加入讨论:863073148《哀恸之日》是一款
Windows系统 容量: 0.44G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:24:08
You spent the night out for once and end up getting kidnapped. Solve puzzles and fight enemies to ma
Windows系统 容量: 1.50G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:24:01
Hate Free Heroes RPG [2D/3D RPG Enhanced]
Hate Free Heroes RPG [2D/3D RPG Enhanced]
1,619 / 5,000 Translation results 加入H.F.H机构,完成主要任务和研究任务,帮助机构发现“Aggro”日益崛起的原因。在您开始解开“Aggromite”涌入背后的奥
Windows系统 容量: 1.95G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:23:57
Reaktorhallen R1 - Zombie Shooter
Reaktorhallen R1 - Zombie Shooter
DURING THE POST WORLD WAR II race among countries to arm themselves with nuclear weapons, some risk
Windows系统 容量: 1.78G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:23:53
Small World Of Golf
Small World Of Golf
Keep it casual with this single-player offline mini golf game.There are 18 holes of Small Golf & 18
Windows系统 容量: 8.52G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:23:49
Windows系统 容量: 4.30G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:23:45
Windows系统 容量: 1.11G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:23:14
Windows系统 容量: 0.55G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:23:10
SubwaySim Hamburg
SubwaySim Hamburg
Explore the picturesque U3 line of Hamburg's elevated railroad in the new SubwaySim Hamburg! A brand
Windows系统 容量: 4.80G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:22:56
Abandoned World
Abandoned World
Abandoned world is RPG Shooter Action Sci-Fi.A character who has survived the destruction, of the wo
Windows系统 容量: 4.05G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:22:52
Hand of Doom
Hand of Doom
An apprentice wizard, seeking always to gain more power, enters the service of a powerful sorcerer t
Windows系统 容量: 11.20G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:22:49
欢迎各位典狱长!只有世界上最残酷无情的典狱长能镇住世界上最惨无人道的囚犯。在《Prison Architect》中设计并发展独具个人风格的监狱。主要特色:自定义监禁配置资源来让监狱发挥最大效益,但别限
Windows系统 容量: 0.71G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:22:25
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Return of Rome
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Return of Rome
欢迎来到《罗马归来》,这是一个新型的扩展包,它将最初的《帝国时代》带入《帝国时代 II:决定版》,成为其一个子游戏。在这个独立体验中,您通过扮演《帝国时代》初始 16 个文明和您的朋友一较高下,另外还
Windows系统 容量: 33.00G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:22:12
WORK LIKE A DOGHUMANITY is a third-person puzzle-action game where you become a dog to command mass
Windows系统 容量: 5.70G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:22:04
Trail of Ayash
Trail of Ayash
About The Game | This Project is Developed by Two PeopleTrail of Ayash 《混沌世纪》是一款创新的开放世界游戏,重点关注前哥伦布时期
Windows系统 容量: 16.30G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:22:00
Toon Toon Racing
Toon Toon Racing
欢迎来到 Toon Toon Racing!利用 SIMCADE 机制掌握具有挑战性的赛道,在现实主义和街机乐趣之间取得完美平衡。 Toon Toon Racing 易于学习,但难以掌握,为那些寻求真
Windows系统 容量: 1.65G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:21:47
Spriters, Hopes Blooming Dawn
Spriters, Hopes Blooming Dawn
Spriters: Hopes Blooming Dawn is an RPG-style game that takes you on an epic adventure through a wor
Windows系统 容量: 2.21G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:21:43
Tales of Vogar - Lost Descendants
Tales of Vogar - Lost Descendants
~~Fully compatible with Steam Deck~~"There is a lot to love here and it is blatantly obvious that th
Windows系统 容量: 0.80G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:21:40
Shadow of the Treasure
Shadow of the Treasure
"Shadow of the Treasure" is a book about the protagonist in my game "Tortured Hearts, or how I saved
Windows系统 容量: 0.50G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:21:36
Across The Void
Across The Void
Across The Void is an exciting new roguelike/survivorlike game that will test you. Featuring randoml
Windows系统 容量: 1.88G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:21:32
Chef: Cocktails & Drinks
Chef: Cocktails & Drinks
厌倦只提供汽水吗?是时候在《大厨:和鸡尾酒与饮料》探索饮料的全新领域了!从果味酒到贵得离谱的咖啡,应有尽有。你将有更多方式榨干顾客钱包的!Content• 5种新模板,你可以制作定制饮料:鸡尾酒、无酒
Windows系统 容量: 2.97G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:21:29
Thea 2: Rat Tales & More
Thea 2: Rat Tales & More
Please Note: This pack contains artwork ONLY.The game content itself will be included in your main g
Windows系统 容量: 3.40G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:21:20
The Ranch of Rivershine
The Ranch of Rivershine
Build your own horse ranch!Settle into a new town and learn the ropes of running your own ranch! Rep
Windows系统 容量: 1.80G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:21:12
Yellow History
Yellow History
SynopsisThomas is a journalist who takes his life on automatic. There are no big surprises in everyd
Windows系统 容量: 1.58G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:21:05
KAKUDO is a single player adventure game within you explore and solve puzzles playing a small humano
Windows系统 容量: 0.76G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:21:01
Roterra 4 - Magical Revolution
Roterra 4 - Magical Revolution
DiG-iT! Games 推出 Roterra® 家族的最新成员:Roterra 4—Magical Revolution 首次登陆 Steam。 这个排行榜冠军系列的新一期提供了 35 个全新的手
Windows系统 容量: 1.00G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:20:58
Roterra 3 - A Sovereign Twist
Roterra 3 - A Sovereign Twist
回到 Roterra® 的神奇世界,向上是相对的,前面的路实际上可能在后面。 旋转、翻转和移动以改变您的视角,从复杂的迷宫中找到出路,并夺取 Roterra 的王冠。有时改变你的观点会让一切变得不同。
Windows系统 容量: 0.90G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:20:54
Robot Lawn Mower
Robot Lawn Mower
Get ready to experience the thrill of mowing a lawn like never before!In Robot Lawn Mower, you will
Windows系统 容量: 2.11G 下载: 0
2025-02-26 07:20:50