When You Find Your Purpose, So Do Your Demons.Hillmain Hotel is a puzzle based horror experience in which the player must escape a deadly hotel, a sinister town, and their own tortured past.As a storm approaches, you must take shelter in a nearby hotel for safety. It is anything but safe.The town of Hillmain holds a dark secret. It is plagued by demons and murderers. Will you be able to escape, or will you become another victim who doesn't have the fortune of checking out?
As you play, you will navigate Hillmain Hotel, the surrounding town, and obstructed places of your memory through nightmares. You must search for tools to progress and avoid the monsters chasing you at all costs.The game's length is heavily dependent upon how long puzzles take, which varies from player to player. Expect a roughly 3-6 hour experience which can be completed quicker upon replay.