Play as Judy and discover what happened inside Naera Laboratory, find all the papers to understand the situation. Everyone is dead, but someone seems to be alive, it’s « Anna » the last scientist alive. Reach the last level of the facility to save Anna and escape the facility.
Judy can slowdown the time to solve the puzzle, the power is limited to few seconds.
To solve each puzzle, your steps is limited.
Don't worry you can easily retry !![](https://shared.akamai.steamstatic.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/1623440/extras/Steam_difficulty_en.png?t=1725071288)
You can choose between
5 difficulties :
- No Stress (No steps limited and more time dilation)
- Easy
- Normal
- Hard
- Very Hard
The difficulty change the amount of footsteps required to solve the puzzle.
TIME BREAKER support ray trace reflections and ambient occlusion.Nvidia DLSS is also supported.