Astronaut: The Best
发布时间:2025-02-27 01:39:22

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Astronaut: The Best

Navigate procedurally generated episodic storylines.
Face off against ravenous tabloids and magical upper management.
Your arsenal includes training, sycophantic groveling, lying, and witchcraft.
Use them to make history, or end up dead in a ditch.
Five missions. Hundreds of decisions. Thousands of recombinant astronauts. Millions of ways to fail spectacularly.

- Train Your Astronauts – Recruit procedurally generated characters, strengthen their abilities, and discover their hidden personality traits. Astronauts could be revealed to be serial killers, part-time pirates, or members of the royal family. Your choices have an impact on each recruit and their likelihood of success.
- Unpredictable Missions – Through a blend of procedural and branching narrative structures, no mission is ever the same. Explore all the possible roguelite results in each replay, filled with character, humor, and twists you’ll never see coming.
- Charm The Nation, or Else – Prepare your astronauts to perform for the nation on sensationalist TV programs and in the tabloids. Succeed in zany trials to win glory, or fail spectacularly and face deadly consequences.
- Spacecraft Meets Witchcraft - The nation’s High Priests demand results, and a well-placed spell can mean all the difference. Perform mystic rituals, use supernatural charms to give your astronauts the upper hand, and discover a metaverse-spanning mystery underneath it all.
We greatly appreciate your interest, and strive to deliver something you could not possibly expect but will appreciate all the same. For feedback, discussions, and betting on morality plays, you are cordially invited to .

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