Explore Hermit’s Thumb Peninsula:
-A remote peninsula in northern British Columbia just below the snowline.-One large map made up of 6 biomes.-From dense, crawling wetlands to snowy peaks.-Conquer Hermit’s Mountains and return to civilization.
Gather, hunt, craft, sneak and more:
-Each biome has a set of objectives and mechanics.-Craft the tools needed to progress further into the mountains.-Use stealth to disengage with the more dangerous inhabitants.-Solve world puzzles devised by the local eccentrics.
Get to know the locals:
-Discover strange landmarks raised by even stranger characters.-Find their stories scattered throughout the map.-Uncover the mystery surrounding Hermit’s Thumb and its inhabitants.
Time is not (always) on your side:
-Dynamic lighting and a day and night cycle.-Hunt during the day and gather at night.-Use your time wisely or you will be stuck in the dark.
Manage your health to stay alive:
-No stamina or hunger bars, just your health.-Gathering without the right tools drains it.-If it drops too low you wont be able to gather, or swim, or live.-Forage for berries, or hunt for meat to top up your stores.
Manage your inventory:
-You’ll start with plenty of space, but stuff piles up.-Don’t throw anything away, you might need it later.