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Two savants from largely disparate backgrounds: one born a slave, the other into Imperial nobility. Fate saw their paths inextricably intertwined, and neither escaped unscarred. Both of their journeys are long – roads filled with trials and tribulations – but while the aristocrat has taken a path that may shake their belief in the very Gods they so passionately worship, the former slave’s quest is a discovery of the past; an inward journey, possibly taking players to the ends of their wits.Vagrus – The Riven Realms: Old Acquaintances, introduces two new Companions with new abilities, individual and specific loyalty quests that explore their own stories, new enemies and rewards, as well as newfound additions to hirelings that can join owners of the DLC.
Two savants from largely disparate backgrounds: one born a slave, the other into Imperial nobility. Fate saw their paths inextricably intertwined, and neither escaped unscarred. Both of their journeys are long – roads filled with trials and tribulations – but while the aristocrat has taken a path that may shake their belief in the very Gods they so passionately worship, the former slave’s quest is a discovery of the past; an inward journey, possibly taking players to the ends of their wits.Vagrus – The Riven Realms: Old Acquaintances, introduces two new Companions with new abilities, individual and specific loyalty quests that explore their own stories, new enemies and rewards, as well as newfound additions to hirelings that can join owners of the DLC.