您购买的内容包括:您购买的修改器使用期限为1年 使用期间包更新 请求更新修改器
您必须关闭杀毒软件才能正常使用,使用之前必须先开游戏再打开修改器 若没有安装杀毒请查看关闭windows自带杀毒的教程
您需要下载修改器购买输入卡密后才能使用,购买地址在本页面右侧 或在修改器上点击购买也会跳到此页面
Key Features
Idle and Active Fishing
with a mini-game.
Hire Crewmates
with unique stats and bonuses
Ascension System
Big Upgrades Tree
+500 In-game Achievements
with rewards.
52 Weekly Holiday Events
with many rewards.
Buy Buildings to buy to generate income for you passively.
Many Research upgrades to improve your fishing income.
Many boats to unlock.
Beautiful environments to visit with unique fish.
Daily Quests
AI 生成内容披露
开发者对其游戏如何使用 AI 生成内容的描述如下:
GitHub Copilot for coding.
2d UI Icons.
External promotional art - not inside the game.
Key Features
Idle and Active Fishing
with a mini-game.
Hire Crewmates
with unique stats and bonuses
Ascension System
Big Upgrades Tree
+500 In-game Achievements
with rewards.
52 Weekly Holiday Events
with many rewards.
Buy Buildings to buy to generate income for you passively.
Many Research upgrades to improve your fishing income.
Many boats to unlock.
Beautiful environments to visit with unique fish.
Daily Quests
AI 生成内容披露
开发者对其游戏如何使用 AI 生成内容的描述如下:
GitHub Copilot for coding.
2d UI Icons.
External promotional art - not inside the game.