所有游戏 > 猎狐修改器 > OUTBRK 又名:超出标记 风暴追逐者 风暴追逐模拟器 修改器
修改器视频演示 - OUTBRK 又名:超出标记 风暴追逐者 风暴追逐模拟器 修改器

OUTBRK 又名:超出标记 风暴追逐者 风暴追逐模拟器 修改器修改器


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《OUTBRK 又名:超出标记 风暴追逐者 风暴追逐模拟器 修改器》游戏介绍

OUTBRK is a storm chasing simulation game being developed for PC set in a fictive reproduction of America’s tornado alley. Experience the wonder of nature and compete against other chasers as you put yourself into random scenarios based on real life weather events. Prepare to have too close for comfort encounters with tornadoes, fight your way through torrential downpours, while avoiding hazards of extreme weather.

Take the role of a professional storm chaser and make use of your risk management skills to gather valuable data from severe weather. Become the chaser you’ve always wanted to be by buying new vehicles, upgrading them, and customizing them.

OUTBRK features a 625 square kilometers map with various landmarks such as rivers, canyons, plains, towns and forests.

So tighten your seat belt, and get ready for OUTBRK: The Multiplayer Storm Chasing Experience.


余额支付 ¥ 0.00
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销售信息 库存剩余111 总销量0 自动发你邮箱

《OUTBRK 又名:超出标记 风暴追逐者 风暴追逐模拟器 修改器》游戏介绍

OUTBRK is a storm chasing simulation game being developed for PC set in a fictive reproduction of America’s tornado alley. Experience the wonder of nature and compete against other chasers as you put yourself into random scenarios based on real life weather events. Prepare to have too close for comfort encounters with tornadoes, fight your way through torrential downpours, while avoiding hazards of extreme weather.

Take the role of a professional storm chaser and make use of your risk management skills to gather valuable data from severe weather. Become the chaser you’ve always wanted to be by buying new vehicles, upgrading them, and customizing them.

OUTBRK features a 625 square kilometers map with various landmarks such as rivers, canyons, plains, towns and forests.

So tighten your seat belt, and get ready for OUTBRK: The Multiplayer Storm Chasing Experience.

这个游戏没有中文, 但是非常好玩,如果你想用修改器不需要去STEAM购买这个游戏 而是使用我们为您准备的破解版游玩,游戏和修改器下载在商品页面的右侧,关闭杀毒,享受它