所有游戏 > 猎狐修改器 > 米斯特里亚牧场 Fields of Mistria
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米斯特里亚牧场 Fields of Mistria修改器


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  • 1.请您进入我们的导航部分,进入"请求更新"频道
  • 2.发表您需要申请修复更新的修改器 包括简短的标题内容
  • 3.我们会进行初步的审核,通过后会进行回帖并且附上我们的技术部联系方式
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  • 5.修复完成后我们会进行回帖,和推送到您的旧版本修改器 支持在线更新
容易被忽略的注意事项: 任何提交申请的朋友,必须提供给我们正版的账号,我们拿不到最新的游戏本体如何帮您修复?
  • 用户通常问道:我怎么相信我提供游戏请求更新后你们会帮我更新?
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《米斯特里亚牧场 Fields of Mistria》游戏介绍


Get ready to begin a brand-new life in a world that's brimming with possibilities!

Mistria, an idyllic village tucked between forest and sea, has offered you an overgrown but full-of-potential homestead in exchange for your assistance. Restore the town to its former glory after an earthquake wreaks havoc and strange magic begins to flow through the land.

In this spiritual successor to the Farm-Sim RPGs of the late 90s & onward, build the farm of your dreams as you discover magic, romance, and adventure!

Customize your character , home and farm to suit your style!

Farm, Fish, Mine & Craft your way to a revitalized town

Find your ideal match with one of 12 marriage candidates
Note: Heart progression past 4 hearts and Marriage itself will be added via future updates.

Raise adorable animals & breed rare color variants

Unlock magic that will aid you during farming & adventuring

Enjoy the changing seasons with new quests, festivals, and even villager outfits!

Get to know 30+ villagers and follow their stories

Battle foes and discover treasures as you explore ancient ruins

And so much more!


余额支付 ¥ 0.00
游客购买后,查询订单信息需要用到 电子邮箱 查单密码 。登录用户无需填写此项
销售信息 库存剩余100 总销量11 自动发你邮箱

《米斯特里亚牧场 Fields of Mistria》游戏介绍


Get ready to begin a brand-new life in a world that's brimming with possibilities!

Mistria, an idyllic village tucked between forest and sea, has offered you an overgrown but full-of-potential homestead in exchange for your assistance. Restore the town to its former glory after an earthquake wreaks havoc and strange magic begins to flow through the land.

In this spiritual successor to the Farm-Sim RPGs of the late 90s & onward, build the farm of your dreams as you discover magic, romance, and adventure!

Customize your character , home and farm to suit your style!

Farm, Fish, Mine & Craft your way to a revitalized town

Find your ideal match with one of 12 marriage candidates
Note: Heart progression past 4 hearts and Marriage itself will be added via future updates.

Raise adorable animals & breed rare color variants

Unlock magic that will aid you during farming & adventuring

Enjoy the changing seasons with new quests, festivals, and even villager outfits!

Get to know 30+ villagers and follow their stories

Battle foes and discover treasures as you explore ancient ruins

And so much more!
