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伊苏X 北境历险 Ys X - Nordics修改器


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《伊苏X 北境历险 Ys X - Nordics》游戏介绍

Embark on a high seas adventure rich with action and exploration in Ys X: Nordics! Experience the perils of Obelia Gulf through the eyes of Adol Christin and his unexpected ally, the pirate Karja Balta, as they help save the people of the gulf from the mysterious immortal monsters known as the Griegr.Feature List

Two Heroes, One Story:

Bound by unexpected circumstances, the young adventurer Adol and the Norman pirate Karja must work together to determine the fate of Obelia Gulf and its people.

Cross Action System:

Swap between controlling Adol and Karja independently or together. Combine their unique strengths to overcome enemies, and build up the Revenge Gauge to unleash devastating attacks.

The Power of Mana:

Harness the unique abilities of Mana to overcome challenges. Grapple and slide through dungeons, demolish obstacles, create new platforms, and uncover hidden treasures and critical points.

Sailor’s Delight:

The sailing ship known as the Sandras takes your exploration to new levels. Ocean travel, naval battles, and discovering uncharted islands are all made possible with this seaworthy vessel.


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《伊苏X 北境历险 Ys X - Nordics》游戏介绍

Embark on a high seas adventure rich with action and exploration in Ys X: Nordics! Experience the perils of Obelia Gulf through the eyes of Adol Christin and his unexpected ally, the pirate Karja Balta, as they help save the people of the gulf from the mysterious immortal monsters known as the Griegr.Feature List

Two Heroes, One Story:

Bound by unexpected circumstances, the young adventurer Adol and the Norman pirate Karja must work together to determine the fate of Obelia Gulf and its people.

Cross Action System:

Swap between controlling Adol and Karja independently or together. Combine their unique strengths to overcome enemies, and build up the Revenge Gauge to unleash devastating attacks.

The Power of Mana:

Harness the unique abilities of Mana to overcome challenges. Grapple and slide through dungeons, demolish obstacles, create new platforms, and uncover hidden treasures and critical points.

Sailor’s Delight:

The sailing ship known as the Sandras takes your exploration to new levels. Ocean travel, naval battles, and discovering uncharted islands are all made possible with this seaworthy vessel.
