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修改器视频演示 - WARCANA Demo



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《WARCANA Demo》游戏介绍

WARCANA is a fantasy inspired real-time base defence strategy game with a unique deck-building mechanic. Take on the role of a mighty magician and face the challenge of surviving waves of unrelenting attacks whilst simultaneously summoning your own large armies. Lay waste to your rivals in either a battle-royale with up to 30 other players, or in a series of single player campaigns.

Build your deck. Prepare your defences. Summon your armies. Survive the onslaught. Will you be the last one standing?

All cards have their own tech trees, with abilities ranging from summoning buildings, units, or casting spells. More cards are unlocked from summoned economy buildings, so be sure to play your cards right and consider your tech tree route in order to have ferocious monsters, destructive spells and more at your command. Choose poorly however, and you'll be left vulnerable to being overrun with just the round timer to save your base.

Challenge yourself in a single player campaign featuring 30+ scenarios, or create your own using the in-game editor. The single player campaign makes it easy to learn the basics, understand how the devotions differ from one other and really hone the craft of a mighty mage.

Be the last one standing in a Battle Royale against up to 30 players, where at any given time each player faces off against two direct opponents. An additional Horde Mode has players race to get the highest kill score and in the Stream Sniper mode, players can experience epic social moments as part of an online community playing against streamers.

Summon hundreds of thousands of units to your army as a maelstrom of monsters simultaneously cause extensive destruction to your own defences. The different devotion and unit types add further considerations in breaking through to your opponent's bases.

Sow the seeds of mythical forces as a "Fay Caller", spread demonic dread as a champion of "Occultism", or unleash other cosmic horrors from the other selection of fantastical devotions. Each has their own unique devotion perk, gameplay mechanic and distinct theming. Selecting primary and secondary devotions for multicoloured decks adds further depth and variety to how the battles play out.


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《WARCANA Demo》游戏介绍

WARCANA is a fantasy inspired real-time base defence strategy game with a unique deck-building mechanic. Take on the role of a mighty magician and face the challenge of surviving waves of unrelenting attacks whilst simultaneously summoning your own large armies. Lay waste to your rivals in either a battle-royale with up to 30 other players, or in a series of single player campaigns.

Build your deck. Prepare your defences. Summon your armies. Survive the onslaught. Will you be the last one standing?

All cards have their own tech trees, with abilities ranging from summoning buildings, units, or casting spells. More cards are unlocked from summoned economy buildings, so be sure to play your cards right and consider your tech tree route in order to have ferocious monsters, destructive spells and more at your command. Choose poorly however, and you'll be left vulnerable to being overrun with just the round timer to save your base.

Challenge yourself in a single player campaign featuring 30+ scenarios, or create your own using the in-game editor. The single player campaign makes it easy to learn the basics, understand how the devotions differ from one other and really hone the craft of a mighty mage.

Be the last one standing in a Battle Royale against up to 30 players, where at any given time each player faces off against two direct opponents. An additional Horde Mode has players race to get the highest kill score and in the Stream Sniper mode, players can experience epic social moments as part of an online community playing against streamers.

Summon hundreds of thousands of units to your army as a maelstrom of monsters simultaneously cause extensive destruction to your own defences. The different devotion and unit types add further considerations in breaking through to your opponent's bases.

Sow the seeds of mythical forces as a "Fay Caller", spread demonic dread as a champion of "Occultism", or unleash other cosmic horrors from the other selection of fantastical devotions. Each has their own unique devotion perk, gameplay mechanic and distinct theming. Selecting primary and secondary devotions for multicoloured decks adds further depth and variety to how the battles play out.

先打开游戏 然后选择开始游戏,之后运行工具开启功能即可,基本的使用方式放在了购买页面的视频里或者在每个功能的问号注释中,如果遇到功能失效,请重新开游戏和修改器尝试。请关闭你的杀毒软件,如果游戏更新导致失效,可以给我们反馈,我们会在收到反馈的当天或两天内完成修复