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Creeper World IXE修改器


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《Creeper World IXE》游戏介绍

Creeper World IXE is a real-time strategy game in the Creeper World franchise with groundbreaking pixel-level simulation. Command a squad of ships, coordinate your tactics, and fight back the alien menace known as "The Creeper," an all-consuming fluid enemy that has already devoured thousands of colonies.

Your mission: stop the Creeper's endless advance or all life in the universe will perish. Unlike previous encounters, humanity now possesses a technological advantage that you can harness not only to survive, but to dominate the galaxy.

In Creeper World IXE you will liberate and explore hundreds of worlds in this real-time strategy game where the enemy is a fluid and every pixel of the terrain is simulated. Terraform through dozens of terrain types to use gravity and nature against the enemy. Bring awesome new weapons to use against chambers of compressed Creeper that explode outwards with ripple and wave mechanics.

Combine sand, particle, and creeper fluid simulations to open up new strategies and threats. Bring multi-weapon units to a dynamic battlefield as you explore worlds for secrets of the Creeper. Gain experience from your victories and unlock new and amazing technologies to help in your fight.

Create and play custom maps with new and original units made by the community or yourself! 2D-pixel graphics are married with a detailed and robust custom map and unit creation system, so nearly anyone with an idea can make a unit or a mission and share it with others. Use built-in control modules, or craft your own with robust built-in RPL scripting.

The Creeper is an ancient fluid-like enemy that relentlessly spreads across terra-formable terrain; engulfing and destroying anything that crosses its path. With sufficient firepower, you can push back the Creeper. But, in most cases it cannot be killed entirely by simply shooting at it. It is a foe that constantly regenerates through Creeper Emitters in its never-ending goal of consuming all living matter.

The only way to stop the creeper is to find and destroy the emitters and destroy the IXE Cores on each planet. Only by finding all of the cores and activating them simultaneously will The Creeper be destroyed and the planet saved. Achieving this goal will be no easy task. Command your squad of ships carefully.

Explore each planet while making sure you hold your ground. Locate, activate and destroy the IXE Cores. As easy as this might seem, at first glance, The Creeper will constantly push to thwart your efforts and attack in surprising ways to throw you off balance. Keep a cool head, be prepared, and use the environment to your advantage. That is the key to your success.

Embark on story and campaign missions as you fend off the Creeper for galactic domination
Sand physics terrain where every pixel is simulated allowing the use of gravity and terrain as part of your strategy
Enhanced Creeper fluid simulation with waves creating new Creeper behavior

Particle system for new and greater threats

Use terrain chemistry and terraforming to gain the advantage over your enemy
Extensive custom unit support with scripting where the community can craft their units, missions and control modules.
Online map database for endless fun and new challenges

AI 生成内容披露

开发者对其游戏如何使用 AI 生成内容的描述如下:

Some background and character art extended and enhanced using Photoshop generative fill. Some audio help narration done using an in-house cloned voice for clarity. Some audio narration done using professionally licensed cloned voice.


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《Creeper World IXE》游戏介绍

Creeper World IXE is a real-time strategy game in the Creeper World franchise with groundbreaking pixel-level simulation. Command a squad of ships, coordinate your tactics, and fight back the alien menace known as "The Creeper," an all-consuming fluid enemy that has already devoured thousands of colonies.

Your mission: stop the Creeper's endless advance or all life in the universe will perish. Unlike previous encounters, humanity now possesses a technological advantage that you can harness not only to survive, but to dominate the galaxy.

In Creeper World IXE you will liberate and explore hundreds of worlds in this real-time strategy game where the enemy is a fluid and every pixel of the terrain is simulated. Terraform through dozens of terrain types to use gravity and nature against the enemy. Bring awesome new weapons to use against chambers of compressed Creeper that explode outwards with ripple and wave mechanics.

Combine sand, particle, and creeper fluid simulations to open up new strategies and threats. Bring multi-weapon units to a dynamic battlefield as you explore worlds for secrets of the Creeper. Gain experience from your victories and unlock new and amazing technologies to help in your fight.

Create and play custom maps with new and original units made by the community or yourself! 2D-pixel graphics are married with a detailed and robust custom map and unit creation system, so nearly anyone with an idea can make a unit or a mission and share it with others. Use built-in control modules, or craft your own with robust built-in RPL scripting.

The Creeper is an ancient fluid-like enemy that relentlessly spreads across terra-formable terrain; engulfing and destroying anything that crosses its path. With sufficient firepower, you can push back the Creeper. But, in most cases it cannot be killed entirely by simply shooting at it. It is a foe that constantly regenerates through Creeper Emitters in its never-ending goal of consuming all living matter.

The only way to stop the creeper is to find and destroy the emitters and destroy the IXE Cores on each planet. Only by finding all of the cores and activating them simultaneously will The Creeper be destroyed and the planet saved. Achieving this goal will be no easy task. Command your squad of ships carefully.

Explore each planet while making sure you hold your ground. Locate, activate and destroy the IXE Cores. As easy as this might seem, at first glance, The Creeper will constantly push to thwart your efforts and attack in surprising ways to throw you off balance. Keep a cool head, be prepared, and use the environment to your advantage. That is the key to your success.

Embark on story and campaign missions as you fend off the Creeper for galactic domination
Sand physics terrain where every pixel is simulated allowing the use of gravity and terrain as part of your strategy
Enhanced Creeper fluid simulation with waves creating new Creeper behavior

Particle system for new and greater threats

Use terrain chemistry and terraforming to gain the advantage over your enemy
Extensive custom unit support with scripting where the community can craft their units, missions and control modules.
Online map database for endless fun and new challenges

AI 生成内容披露

开发者对其游戏如何使用 AI 生成内容的描述如下:

Some background and character art extended and enhanced using Photoshop generative fill. Some audio help narration done using an in-house cloned voice for clarity. Some audio narration done using professionally licensed cloned voice.
